September 21, 2010 was a joyous day! It was the day Matt and I first got to see our little boy or girl. The very first moment I saw our baby on the screen and watched its tiny heart beat away I felt so happy and teary eyed. It was a wonderful feeling. Everything about our little one felt so real after that point. I'm going to be a mom!

Recently, we had our second ultrasound appointment. At this time we could have found out the gender of the baby, but we both decided it would be fun to not find out and have it be a surprise. This ultrasound was a lot longer than the first one and I had to lay flat for most of the time, which didn't allow me to see the baby as much as Matt did. So, after we left the doctor's office I was beyond curious to know if Matt saw anything while the technician was taking the baby's profile. He says that he didn't see anything that would identify the baby as a boy. But, he also knows that I think or want it to be a girl. I guess I'll have to wait 132 days to find out. Of course, I would be happy with either a boy or girl as long as it's healthy and so far everything is looking good!

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