This week's goals were very simple. It focuses on me and my well-being. Since the school semester came to an end, I have definitely been getting enough sleep, if not more. This I know will soon change once the baby is born, so I'll soak it up now. I seem to be already doing the other goals...make to-do lists, journal or blog, limit the amount of TV you watch, etc.
However, I feel I could be exercising more. In the evenings with Matt, I walk on the treadmill or lift small weights in the gym that we have free access to. Before I was pregnant and when we lived in California, I enjoyed participating in cardio workouts at 24 Hour Fitness. Even though I'm already in my third trimester, I don't think it's too late to order the above DVD. It would have been nice to have it in the beginning of my pregnancy since the workouts accommodate to your trimester. I plan to have more kids, so I'm sure it will get it's use.
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