Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Organize Your Cleaning Schedule: Week 3

My least favorite thing to do is clean. I wish it wasn’t. I feel a clean home is a happy home. Every once and awhile my husband and I give our place a good deep cleaning. Afterwards we try so hard to keep it that way, but it never seems to last. In a matter of days it’s messy again. And we don’t even have kids yet! Yikes!

This week focuses on your cleaning schedule. Most of the goals gear towards involving your family to help complete them. My favorite is to write down jobs on small pieces of papers and stick them in a jar. Each day have a child pick a chore from the jar and complete the task. I think this would definitely make chores fun for the entire family. The vintage blue mason jar pictured above would be perfect to hold those small pieces of papers. Also to encourage and motivate your kids have them place a sticker on a chore chart once they have completed their task. Who does not love to add stickers to the mix?!

Surprisingly, most of the remaining goals Matt and I kind of already do. We just need to keep up with it more on a daily basis. I can just imagine how disastrous our place will be once the baby arrives. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't know many people in the area and won't have to worry about any surprise guests.

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