Way back in November I mentioned about an organizational book that is broken down by weekly checklists. It helps you organize your life, your living space and more. My goal was to complete the book before the baby is born and blog about my weekly progress; however, starting this project a few weeks before school finals was not a smart move...didn't even get to week 1, ha! So, I'm making a second attempt at it and what better time then the beginning of a new year. There's 52 weeks to the book, so I won't be able to finish it before the baby is born, but I can get a good start on it and then see how it goes from there. Here's week one...

This week's goals were very simple. It focuses on me and my well-being. Since the school semester came to an end, I have definitely been getting enough sleep, if not more. This I know will soon change once the baby is born, so I'll soak it up now. I seem to be already doing the other goals...make to-do lists, journal or blog, limit the amount of TV you watch, etc.
However, I feel I could be exercising more. In the evenings with Matt, I walk on the treadmill or lift small weights in the gym that we have free access to. Before I was pregnant and when we lived in California, I enjoyed participating in cardio workouts at 24 Hour Fitness. Even though I'm already in my third trimester, I don't think it's too late to order the above DVD. It would have been nice to have it in the beginning of my pregnancy since the workouts accommodate to your trimester. I plan to have more kids, so I'm sure it will get it's use.